Life Is Harsh on Historymakers

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When I think about my life that is some how unique in history, I try to convince my self that life is always full of jealous competitors around history makers. There is an old saying that as much as you increase your efforts for your goals and ambitions, it seems that life is pushing you backward and is lining up troops of enemies on the front line and hidden scenes. I think that the secret to succeed in such a bitter situation is showing faith, patience, and flexibility toward people that life means nothing without them. I have my own life experiences that as history makers are showing breathtaking efforts to reach their valuable goals in life, God as a true reality starts to reward his true believers step by step. Some times, it has been told that hidden laws and rules are stricter than any possible existing court that actually makes up Karma. Some times God is the only judge for some of the loneliest history makers, but of course they shouldn’t forget that why God has chosen them to fight on the front line. It’s is mostly because of their big hearts although they may have small houses or other assets. However, God also reward his believers with life blessings that bring indescribable sweetness in the heart of the believers that God is watching over them while everybody is ignoring them. Some times history makers feel that life is full of unfriendliness that may remind them of the history role models that in this situation they could find God as the best friend. Some times we feel that our mysterious creator likes to test his believers with such a harsh unfriendly situation that if they can find the best friend that is actually him self and then family members. There is an old advice that pray even for your enemies, but on the other hand we have some brutal enemies like wild animals that if we pray or forgive them everyday, they just get worse that God

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