Lfa And Magic Carpet Airlines

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Jason Davidson 1 Explain fully the negotiation strategies of the League of Flight Attendants (LFA). You should support your recommendation with information from the case and concepts from the book. You must demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and your ability to apply the concepts to the case. There are four main negotiating strategies, accommodating, avoiding, collaborative and competitive. Accommodating is an integrative strategy that is used when one or both parties want to preserve their relationship. One of the parties show little or no concern at all about whether they get their way in the negotiation. This is a win lose strategy and involves lowering aspiration and demands to let the other win. This is the exact opposite of competitive strategy. Avoidance is a strategy indicative of one party not caring so much if either side reaches their set about goals in a negotiation. One party may withdraw partially or totally. Either of these moves may be perceived as a veiled threat regarding how things may turn out. In labor relations, this usually entails a strike or just quitting altogether. A collaborative strategy occurs when either party shows extremely high concern for their own outcomes as well as the other party. This integrative approach involves detailed problem solving throughout the negotiation. Both sides want the maximum benefit to be mutual satisfying. A competitive strategy occurs when one of the two parties pursue their own objectives very strongly. They have little interest in the second party getting their way and no concern for maintaing a good relationship. Tactics involved in this strategy usuually are hardball and involve threats legal action and striking . The dominating side ususally spends most of their time trying to persuade the other to cede their demands. The negotiations between Magic carpet airlines and the league

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