Level 5 Leadership Research Paper

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Leadership Paper Leadership is defined as the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals. There are three different types of leadership that include Level 5 Leadership, Servant Leadership, Authentic Leadership, and Interactive Leadership. There are many traits that distinguish the characteristics of a leader. With leaders, come followers and there are five types of followers. Leadership also comes along with the three types of power, legitimate, reward, and coercive. A leader that shows the characteristic of Level 5 leadership shows a lack of ego or humility. Humility means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful. Level 5 leaders give often share the success with other people, and have goals to…show more content…
An alienated follower is passive, yet independent critical thinker. These followers are able to think and act independently. The conformist participates actively with the boss. This type of follower often acts without thinking about the consequences of their actions. The pragmatic follower often emerges when an organization is in desperate times. A passive follower does not exhibit neither critical thinking nor active participation. Passive followers usually leave the thinking to the boss. The effective follower is a critical thinker as well as very active in the organization. These people are capable of self-management and they work towards solutions and positive Impact. Power that comes from a formal position within an organization is called legitimate power. It is obtained through hard work and dedication. Subordinates most often comply with this type of power because they believe this type of power was earned. Reward power stems from the authority to bestow rewards on other people, such as pay increases and promotions. Coercive power is the opposite of reward power. Examples of coercive power include denying someone a raise or the chances for a

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