Level 3 Outcome 1

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1.4 According to relevant legislation, policies and procedures it is stated that manager or supervisor, parent/carer and social worker of the individual person who has been cause to experience restrictive intervention should be informed. Also if any other individual has been injured throughout the incident then the manager, parent/carer and social worker of the injured individual should be informed of the injury and how the injury occurred. 1.5 When using restrictive interventions it is essential that the minimum level and time used to perform the restraint is employed so that the situation can be effective and safe. The use of the least restrictive intervention will benefit and be in the best interest of the individual, this is because if an individual is angry and agitated the restrictive intervention may increase the behaviour making it a higher risk to the individuals well-being. Finally if a restraint is overly restrictive it may cause issues with the individuals rights, dignity and safety to be breached. The least restrictive intervention will maintain the individuals respect, dignity and rights. 1.6 When using restrictive physical interventions there must be safeguards in place to ensure the safety of the individual and for the staff performing the restraint. A safeguard in place to ensure the safety of the individual is a risk assessment based around the physical interventions, this is also a holistic assessment that will determine if the physical restraint is likely to cause more harm than defuse the situation and ways in which the physical interventions can be made safer to the individual being restrained, the staff carrying out the restraint and other individuals that may be in close proximity when the restraint is being employed. Another safeguard that should be in place is ensuring the staff have been on any relevant training, this is to

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