Let Us Carry Research Paper

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Caleb Gibson Miss Jackson Composition 27 March 2015 Let Us Carry Firearms have been apart of our nations culture for more than one hundred years now. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that firearms cam be lethal and can pose a serious threat to the public at hand. That is why the United States has come up with various gun laws to stop harm coming to their public. Some of these laws give people the right to own guns such as "citizens of the United States have the right to bear arms" (US Constitution Second Amendment.) Some of these gun laws take away that right such as "convicted felons are banned from possessing firearms or ammunition." (Chp 44 of title 18, US State Laws.) These laws are made to protect communities and to take down…show more content…
Recent studies have shown that when a rise in the conceal and carry lowers the crime rate by quite a bit. A local Illinois news paper recent came out with the statistics of “the number of robberies that have led to arrests in Chicago has declined 20 percent from last year” (Kelly Riddell, The Washington Times.) Riddell later goes on to explain how this has a direct correlation to the conceal and carry law being permitted in Illinois. “The 146 percent increase in conceal and carry permits has been good as both murder and violent crime rates have dropped by 22 percent.”(Fox News.) The statistics show that the fear of the public having guns makes it hard for criminals to know when to commit their crime. The fact of the matter is, you cannot stop all crime whether you'll low guns or not, but the goal is to lessen the crime rates and keep the public safe. When a citizen knows that a gun is by their side bin case they need to use it for protection it puts their mind at ease. Crime has dropped as the law has raised and there is a definite reason to that, and that is the criminals are just as scared of guns as we are. A crime prevention officer said “When you allow people to carry concealed handguns, you see changes in the behavior of criminals."(John R Lott. Fox News) Put guns in the hands of the nations responsible citizens and you will put fear in the minds of
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