Lesson 09 Sir Gwain and the Green Knight: a Look at the Language

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Lesson 09 Sir Gwain and the Green Knight: A Look at the Language |Identify unknown word: |What is the context? |Meaning seems to be... |Dictionary definition is... | |Treachery |“After the siege and the | Going against someone that you| Violation of faith: treason, or| | |assault has ceased at Troy, the|pledged you wouldn’t go |faithlessness. | | |city had been destroyed and |against. | | | |burned to brands and ashes, the| | | | |warrior who wrought there the | | | | |trains of treason was tried for| | | | |his treachery…” | | | |Mirth |“The King lay royally at | Amusement. | Amusement or laughter. | | |Camelot at Christmas tide with | | | | |many fine lords, the best of | | | | |men, all the rich brethren of | | | | |the Round Table, with right | | | | |rich revel and careless mirth.”| |
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