How Far Do Sources 1 and 2 Suggest That the Young Henry Viii Saw the Nobility as His Friends and Supporters?

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How far do Sources 1 and 2 suggest that the young Henry VIII saw the nobility as his friends and supporters? By 1510, King Henry VIII had been in power for around a year, since the death of his father. Henry was very different to his father in many ways, one being the manner in which he regarded the nobility. While Henry VII kept his friends and supporters in check, with limited power in order to be assured of their loyalty, his son, Henry VIII, seemed to have a very different view on how to treat the nobility, giving them more power and control of their own estates. Sources 1 and 2 give varying views on whether or not Henry VIII regarded them as his friends and supporters. Source 1 comes from a description of the festivities enjoyed by Henry and his ‘friends’ at Court in 1510. This source gives much evidence to suggest that Henry very much regarded the nobility as his friends. This can be seen through the description of the antics that Henry and co. took part in. They are said to have joked around a lot, seemingly having fun while playing a prank by coming “early to the Queen’s bedchamber one morning; dressed in short coats of Kentish cloth, with hoods, bows and arrows, like Robin Hood”. What this implies is that the King trusts his nobility enough that he allows them into the Queen’s chamber. They continued to enjoy themselves later at dinner, when Henry “arranged the seating and joked with all; and had [them] parade in strange costumes before they brought in actors to stage a play.” This could be seen as showing that Henry very much enjoyed the company of his nobility, counting them as his friends. Source 2 is from a proclamation issued by Henry himself, in July 1511, as he was about to go to war with France. Due to the war at hand, “The King commanded all the lords and most of the nobles to prepare as many able men for war as they can muster from their

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