Lennie Small Friendship

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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Having a best friend is amazing. It means someone is always there for you, no matter what troubling situations you manage to get yourself into and they are willing to help you work it out. Two men that really know the meaning of this type of friendship are George Milton and Lennie Small; the two main characters from the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The book starts off as the two men are walking down a dusty road, it’s an unbearable hot day; their destination was a quarter mile away. They were headed towards a ranch they have planned on working at for some time. Some things you should know about these two men is that Lennie was not the brightest mind. In fact, you…show more content…
His voice began to drone on, and soon they were both captured by the story; so when they heard Candy pipe up, they were both startled. Candy listening the whole time became intrigued, and asked if he could come along. He also offered to help out around the farm and would also chip in some money of his own. George rejected at first but then said yes, telling Lennie and Candy to not say a word about it to anyone else. Lennie of course being Lennie, forgot. So when he slowly crept into the barn to see his puppy, he got to meet Crooks; the negro stable buck. Crooks didn't really enjoy company and was a bit annoyed to see him at first. He told Lennie he was petting his pup too much, and that got Lennie to talk about the rabbits he was going to have on their farm. Crooks said he was nuts and didn't believe him. When Candy came in and confirmed it was true, crooks hesitated and asked if he could come along and help. They got interrupted though when Curly's wife strode in and began to talk to them; and that's when they got angry. She started arguing with Candy and when she tried talking to Lennie, they told her to leave him alone and not mess with him. That didn't stop her though, because the next day she scared Lennie while he was sadly petting his dead puppy. He tried to ignore her at first but ended up talking, and shared about his love for soft things. She then let Lennie stroke her hair a bit; but when he started petting her hair harder she started to complain. Soon she was screaming and moving around trying to get him to undo his harsh grip. He panicked and was yelling at her to stop squirming; he didn't want to get in trouble with George. Out of anger however, when she didn't listen he began to panic. And when you thought things couldn't get worse; he snapped her

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