Leibniz' Monadology Summary

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Free Will: A Divulsion of Gottfried Leibniz’ ‘Monadology’ and Other Works Alexandra McArthur Modern Philosophy 5/1/2011 In this paper I will argue that human beings do indeed have free will, and this can be supported by Gottfried Leibniz’ famously known work the ‘Monadology,’ which discusses the compilation of the universe in the simple substance of a monad. Leibniz’ works of ‘Monadology’ and ‘Nature and Grace’ contain multiple sections which discuss his concept of the ‘monad’ as a being (M10), and therein, a soul (M 9), which has autarchy- thus implying that some monadic-beings have the capacity of free will, which is further exemplified by his divulsion of monads holding the capacity to ‘be subject to change’ (M10). Leibniz theory of monads is quite complexly dense and thus must be further broken down and explained prior to the comparison and possible compilation of an autarchaeic-entelechaic being; that is to say a being which, once God has turned its potential of existence into actual existence- by human standards; has free-will. Leibniz’ theory of Monadology asserts God being the source of all existence (M43) in that our potentiality of life, which is a soul, is put into monad form (M19) because Leibniz believes that- God’s idea of His beings, (referred to as monads) are subject to God’s discretion in every imaginable way. These monads have yet to be put into appropriated form; and when God decides to put each monad into His desired form, He commences a beings actuality because, after all, He is the divine Creator. However, God grants monads ‘autarkeia,’ which is self-sufficiency (18) as well as a certain amount of ‘incorporeal automata,’ also known as free will. All of the previously stated leads to prove that God created monads and appropriated them a certain amount of free will, however they are subject to imperfections because of that granted free
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