Leadership Styles Public Services

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Leadership Styles These are many different types of leadership styles. These styles can be successful used for different types of teams. Authoritarian This style of leadership is more controlling and the team is expected to follow orders and demands. There is a clear division between leaders and followers. They tend to be dictators who provide a clear explanation to the team. This style of leadership is regularly used in the army. It could be used on a mission as the leader would have to communicate effectively what the team will have to do. They will need to be able to make plans and adapt plans quickly without input from others if something goes wrong. They will also need to have organisational skills as it is only the leader arranging what the team has to do. An advantage of this is that it ensures that the decisions being made of being made by people with appropriate knowledge. It also ensures that order and discipline are maintained in the group. Decisions can be made quickly as the teams input is not needed. Inexperienced team members are given clear direction making it easier and understandable for them. It enables public service groups to be deployed quickly and efficiently and also allows large-scale coordination with other units. Disadvantages of this can include that it doesn’t allow the team members to take responsibility or use initiative which would make them unable to stand out from the team. Motivation is usually acquired through fear rather that respect. Teams respect is usually based on their ranks rather than these qualities and skills. May cause resentment among the team and can cause other team members to feel devalued. This style of leadership is effective in the fact that it is time effective and there is a clear distinction between the leaders and the team. However, I think this should only be used in groups where the team is

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