Leadership and Teamwork

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BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN UNIFORMED PUBLIC SERVICES UNIT 2 Leadership & Teamwork [pic] Student Logbook Record of Team Building Activities Tutor: Michaela Tucker-Blackford Learning outcome: Be able to work as a Team Member DIARY OF TEAM WORKING EVENTS [pic] In this unit you need to take part in five team building activities, you need to discuss what your role was within the team and on at least one occasion be the group leader. You need to also discuss if the task was successful or not! In this section you need to consider all the following aspects, how well did you communicate, how did you present your ideas, did you support individuals and build morale, did you and can you diffuse conflict, can you listen to others, where you prepared did you demonstrate excellent organisation skills. Grading Criteria: P3 - Brief & debrief a team for a given task P4 – Carry out team task using appropriate skills and Qualities P6 – Participate in team Activities M2 – Brief and debrief a team for a given task using effective communication M3 – Effectively lead a team using the appropriate skills and qualities M4 – Appraise own performance in team activities D2 – Evaluate own ability to lead a team effectively D3 – evaluate team member’s performance in team activities. Activity 1 – Cup Dance [pic] In this activity you are to watch the YouTube cup dance and working together as a whole group learn the dance from start to end. You have 40 minutes to complete this task and pink cups, good luck. Describe the activity include the date, location and time of the activity. 13TH October 09:00am Activity 1 ‘’Cup Dance’’ For this task my team and I had to learn the ‘’Cup Song Dance’’ in 40 min. ‘’Cup Song Dance’’ has 17 steps: Ste p 1 - Take a cup. Step 2 – Place the cup upside down on the table (Directly in front of you.) Step 3
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