Labor Union Research Paper

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Unions A labor union is an organization of workers dedicated to protecting their interest and improved wages, hours and working conditions. Many different types of workers belong to unions such as mechanics, teachers, factory workers, actors, police officers, airline pilots, janitors, doctors, writers and so forth. To form a bargaining unit a group who will be represented by a union in dealing with their employer. This group of workers must be voluntarily recognized by their employer or a majority of workers in a bargaining unit must vote for representation. Labor Unions exist to represent the workers within a particular industry and protect their interest and rights. A union can bargain on behalf of employees for contract and salary negotiations among other things. In the United States unions are certified and monitored by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). If you want to start a union at your place of employment there are simple steps to follow. First decide whether you want to form a new union or join a union that already exists. Second, find the National Labor Relations Board office that has jurisdiction over your area. You can find a list of regional offices on the NLRB’s website. Next you should get written evidence that your coworkers support forming a labor union by having those sign authorization cards. If you are forming a new union, a majority of…show more content…
The United Auto Workers represents workers in the auto industry who manufacture cars. The UAW has been influential in garnering huge pay increase and benefit packages for auto workers, including health care costs and pensions. When the government bailed out General Motors and Chrysler in 2009, on major issue was how to pay for 800,000 retired employees and their pensions. As the UAW returns to the negotiating table later that year, unions workers have looked at wage increases that have been considerably in the past six

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