“Knowledge Is Nothing More Than the Systematic Organization of Facts.” Discuss This Statement in Relation to Two Areas of Knowledge?

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“Knowledge is nothing more than the systematic organization of facts.” Discuss this statement in relation to two areas of knowledge? Dylan Clark 1B Word Count: 1206 What is knowledge: knowledge is a term that can be applied to many different areas, knowledge to me is defined as an area of expertise where the individual has confidence in that area and a perceived sense of its content and meaning through the ways of knowing. To understand knowledge and its relationship to facts it is useful to examine the ways of knowing prior to an examination of the knowledge and facts in an area of knowledge. The individual has in general 4 main ways of knowing they are; emotion, reason, sense perception, and language .For the purpose of the explaining the relationship of knowledge and facts I will only examine emotion and reason. Only emotion and reason for they are the two main driving forces in a individuals ways of knowing reason and emotion can both negate language and sense perception at times, also the fact that these two ways of knowing are opposites are useful in exploring the duplicity of knowledge and facts. Emotion a way of knowing that centers on “feelings” this way of knowing does not fall into the guide lines of reason it can reject reason or it can concur with it. Emotional ways of knowing tend to reflect either interior motivation, such as an inner moral compass that reflects a individuals moral and ethics on issues due to a combination of society influence and what that individuals chooses to make of it in essence free will, or an exterior motivation such as society and all other influences on the individual beyond their own self. Reason a way of knowing centered on factual justification, such as in systems like the scientific method. The scientific methods is a system focused on asking questions and seeking answers through experimentation and

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