Kite Runner Pomegranate Analysis

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In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the relationship between the two main characters, Amir and Hassan, mirrors the decay in the life of a pomegranate tree as the two character’s friendship must endure many struggles such as racial and cultural tensions and the effects of the loss of innocence in Hassan. Set in a war-torn modern day Afghanistan, the two children, whose friendship starts out as beautiful as the tree itself, starts on a steady decline, and with the rape of Hassan, is destroyed. The tree then reflects these happenings, and plays a key role in representing the kinship of the two boys throughout this novel. Even though the two boys come from different backgrounds, the pomegranate tree in Hassan and Amir’s friendship allowed them to treat each other as equals, and it played a key role in uniting the characters. Hassan and Amir were separated by class struggles, as Hassan was a Hazara, and this caused him to be looked down upon by the natives of Afghanistan. Hassan was persecuted since youth and was considered to be of less value than Amir, but when they met at their tree, they both treated one another as equals. They read stories together, and spent many fun times together as friends causing mischief. Also, in traditional Islam religion, the pomegranate tree represents one of the trees from the gardens of paradise. It represents the paradise of heaven, and being carefree, like the childhood of both Hassan and Amir. In the Koran the fruit from the garden had the function of protecting the inhabitants of the garden from jealousy, and this allows the people in the garden to all see each other as equals. The pomegranate tree is a symbol of innocence in that the pomegranate tree shelters them from the harsh, cruel place in which they live. This tree was therefore safe zone for the relationship between the two children, where neither would be persecuted for

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