King Tut Essay

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King Tutankhamen The mystery behind King Tutankhamen that has never been completely resolved is how the King died. Was he murdered or was his death an accident? Or, did he die of some type of illness. King Tutankhamen (King Tut) died at a very young age of around 18 years old. He ruled Egypt from 1334 and 1325 BC, and was believed to be the 12th ruler of Egypt’s 18th Dynasty (Dunn, 2011). There are actually three theories of how King Tut died. When forensic experts in Egypt examined his body after it was exsumed they found a crack in his skull and they also found that his left leg had been fractured. So the theories are that he was in an accident and fell to his death, he was hit in the head and murdered or he died of some type of illness. The theory that he was murdered is a pretty plausible one. King Tut was crowned at the early age of 9 years old due to the fact that his father had died. Since he was so young, he was guided by two senior men from the Kings court, Ay and Horemheb. Both of these men wanted to be rulers of Egypt. According to Bob Brier, an Egyptologist from Long Island University he believes that Ay was the murderer due to greed. His findings revealed that Ay was actually given the throne after King Tut died. Brier discovered a ring in Cairo in 1931 that showed Ay and King Tut’s widow Ankhesenamum were married soon after the Kings death. Brier believes that Ay forced Ankhesenamum to marry him so he could become King (King Tut's Death Remains a Mystery, 2012). The most logical theory that was discovered according to National Geographic is the theory that King Tut died of an illness, a bone disorder. It was believed that King Tut walked with a cane, as many of them were found in his tomb. Scientists later discovered a mosquito-borne parasite that causes malaria in King Tut’s DNA (Than, 2010). Other examinations of King Tut’s

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