Killing Animals For Food

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Many people think that killing animals raised for food is wrong such as vegetarians or any other person that tend not to eat meat. It’s perfectly fine to kill animals raised for food because we humans need to eat meat for many reasons. One reason would be that it taste good and also if you were to ask a vegetarian they would probably tell you that they have to drink a protein shake or something along those lines to get the right amount of nutrition that you get from eating meat. Factory farms or in simpler terms a large scale farm in which the animals are kept in very close quarters which causes the animals to be restricted of any movement which inhibits the growth of muscle. This makes so the meat is very tender. The cows for example are rounded up and taken to a field that has lots of nutrients and also are given growth hormones then shipped to the slaughter house where the cows are hit in the head generally by a mechanical device then hung by the back legs and have there throats cut. Chickens live in huge pens often 40 feet wide by 500 foot long that holds a minimum of 30,000 birds (“Issues and Controversies on File”). The slaughter process begins by hanging them by there feet on mechanical racks then electrified be water which stuns them but does not kill them. After they are stunned their necks are sliced and are bled to death after being dipped into a tank of hot water which loosens and removes their feathers. Family farms are almost the complete opposite to a factory farm. Instead of the animals all contained very close in a building these animals are kept outside usually in a food plot. There slaughtering process is also very similar but more humane. Cows raised for food on this kind of farm are knocked out then while the animal is asleep or in no mans land the butcher would also cut the neck causing the cow to feel no pain.

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