Karmen Gei Essay

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SMKOND001 ONDELA SIMAKUHLE FAM3005F FILM ESSAY KARMEN GEI The African adaptation of Carmen has without a doubt challenged many notions of the female role and specifically African females in film. Ranaka seems to use the female, Karmen, as the representation of resistance to oppression, patriarchy and the political structures of Senegal. More than that, however, the film challenges the very feminist theories that critics have previously used in analysing Carmen. Karmen Gei is extremely complex in its narrative, turning on its head the very notion that a woman can be used simply for the male gaze and desire. Karmen herself is a multi-layered character who is simultaneously quite problematic in representation. In this essay I will critically analyse the aspects of Karmen Gei which contribute to Dovey’s feminist summary. In it I will make clear how I perceive Karmen to be a “bold model of female independence”, and will discuss the ways I think the film’s adaptation of her could be problematic. In this film, the character of Karmen is undoubtedly depicted as an all-powerful heroine. The character is bold in her actions and seems unapologetic in her dominance and care-free nature. Karmen Gei is different to prior and more Eurocentric depictions of the story of Carmen in many ways. The narrative can be read in more complex ways, where Carmen may be seen simply as a story about tragic lovers, Karmen Gei can be read as political and social commentary. McClary argues that reading the story as the former “is to ignore the fault lines of social power that organize it” and that the story is one that involves “the narrative of race, class and gender” (McClary, 1992). In the film, Karmen’s boldness seems to be representative of the rebelling against the state, colonialism, the patriarchal notions of society as well as the restricting stereotypical notions of what a woman
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