Juvenile Justice System Should Not Be Abolished

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Isabella Taverrite Ms. Gastman English 11 1 February 2013 In the United States, the juvenile justice system is designed to rehabilitate children and teens who commit severe crimes. This system has been around since the seventeenth century, and continues to rehabilitate teens rather than strictly punish them. Since children have not fully matured, they shouldn't be held to the same standards of accountability as adults. Although there are heinous crimes kids commit, it’s better to rehabilitate them then to lock them up. Children are not physiologically or emotionally developed. The University of California conducted a study showing a massive loss of brain tissue occurs during your teen years, the loss of brain matter also spreads quickly. Gray matter in the brain which researchers show supports and controls our emotions and our thinking, is purged at a rate of 1 to 2 percent a year during this period. The University of California also states brain cells and connections are only being lost in the area controlling impulses, risk taking, and self-control. The frontal lobes, which enable our violent passions, rash actions, and regulate our emotions, are really immature within your teen years. It is unfair to lock people up if they are unfit. Their brain hasn’t fully produced, so instead of giving them a life sentence, give them the chance to change by treatment and providing them with lessons to be able to live a healthy life style. According to a juvenile study, teenagers are emotionally or intellectually unable to contribute to their own defense. An examination of 1,400 males and females in four jurisdictions researched and conducted that age, intelligence, not gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic factory or even prior run ins with the law were the most significant factors in determining youths ability to understand the judicial process. (Commentary) Most
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