Julic Monologue

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Alec had switched his life around whether on purpose or by the flow of how he lived. He started out as your smart, quiet, elementary school try hard. He moved on to middle school and many kids who had known him in elementary school were probably unaware of the fact he still existed. Now as high school student he is not popular but not unpopular and is well liked. He was also still very smart the only issue was how hard he wanted to try; his true dedication found in cross country. It’s hard to say whether Alec’s physical appearance has changed at all since elementary school other than growing into his abnormally large head (well now normal). His disposition never seemed to change and he never ceased to make you laugh no matter what mood he was in. The one thing you couldn’t take away from him was the fact that Alec was his own person and if he made up his mind it was probably going to happen. This story pinpoints Alec in one of his finest moments. “Mom I’m dying my hair.” “Alec, no, don’t dye your hair.” “I’m…show more content…
“Alec you gonna look like an idiot.” “Trae shut your filthy mouth.” Alec’s answer to Trae was only met with laughter for he said it in his normal stuttered speech and in a slightly higher pitch. “Alright, well, your hair is completely dry so I can put the paste in” Kera said. “YOLO” Alec said loudly, as if we didn’t already understand, but it still made us laugh as it was yet again said with the intonation only he could replicate. “Okay, well let me put it in.” “YO…” Kera interrupted. “Alec if you yell YOLO one more time I’m going to kill you.” “…LO” We laughed again including Kera unable to get mad at the kid who was about to ruin his hair and gave us so much entertainment. Finally the dye was in and after 20 minutes or so Kera washed it out. The glorifying moment of seeing the Golden Haired Wonder was about to occur, but all we heard from the other side of the door was… “My mother is going to rape my
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