The Achievement of Desire

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Kim Cavallaro English 101 Professor Harding September 13, 2012 “The Achievement of Desire” In “The Achievement of Desire”, by Richard Rodriguez, Rodriguez tells the story of how he assimilated into American culture and shed his entire remaining image of his previous Latino culture. He did this by completely Americanizing his accent and replacing any amount of social life for a life consumed by reading and school work. The story takes on a rather regretful tone, and begins with an account of him in his thirties giving a lecture to a “ghetto classroom.” Every student seems to pay attention to his lecture on the “mystery of the sounds of our words” except for one girl in the class. She is raising her hand and taking notes, and is thoroughly engaged in what he has to say. He takes a moment to explain that the girl looking at him represents him as a boy. He was a boy who entered school barely able to speak a lick of English and came out a scholar far beyond what many aspire to be. Although he became very literate and educated, he was never the quintessential intelligent genius. He mentions that his high quality grammar school, help from his nuns to be successful, and encouragement from his parents did not account for his school success. He was a “scholarship boy,” a boy who never thought he was adequate, always anxious to learn, but highly uncreative. Mr. Rodriguez was more advanced in his understanding of the English language than his parents, and he knew this. He mentions “I was the one who came home and corrected the “simple” grammatical mistakes of our parents.” However, as he got older he tried to separate his school life from his home life. In the end, the realization that he came to later on in life was that the reason why he was so successful in school was because he understood the gap between him and his previous culture was widening, but he let it widen
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