Joseph a Role Model to His Culture

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Joseph A Role Model to His Culture In the written work “The Norton Anthology of World Literature” (Lawall), the history of the Hebrew Nation is one that is clocked with mysticism and plagued with strife. The story of the Jewish people is immersed with the close relationship they share with their patron God (whom they call Yahweh or Jehovah), “Intertwined with these lessons about humankind’s proper relations to God is a generational process that eventually concentrates on the origins and development of the Hebrews as God’s chosen people.”(53), miraculous events and blessings. Then on the other hand, it is a harrowing tale of oppression and persecution. Even in our modern age they continue to be involved in struggle and strife; harassed and accosted on all sides by their enemies. Despite living in a metaphorical pressure cooker, not only do they survive but thrive in the land they inhibit. One of the many reasons that they have the ability to do so, is accredited to their storied past. Their rich lore is like a deep well that they can draw from and produce wisdom and direction, which in turn helps them overcome obstacles, be steadfast in turmoil, and achieve greatness despite hardship of the many historic and heroic figures that abide in the pages of the Hebrew’s sacred tome, (the Torah). Joseph, of the coat of many colors is a role model that can be gleaned from time and time again. Of his many attributes the ones that stand out are; his undeniable work ethic, unshakeable self-control, and unwavering faith. As we continue to explore the man that is Joseph, it will be shown not only does he possess work ethic, self-control, and faith; he epitomizes them all while he endures an assortment of trials and tribulations. When it comes to defining work ethic for one’s culture, Joseph is a man that not only does so with ease but also sets the bar high. For whatever task
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