John Wayne Gacy Personality

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Introduction John Wayne Gacy was admired by many who had known him. He was considered a liable man who was helpful in his community, a role model for kids and people of the community. He was a smart businessman who was good in sales. When he wasn’t spending much at his construction business he was hosting parties for friends and neighbors, dressing as a clown and entertaining children at charity events and hospitals. He was also a devoted voluntary worker in the community who strived to make it a better place to live in. those who knew him thought he was a friendly, hardworking man and some went to the extent of calling him intelligent man. However there was another side of John Wayne Gacy that only a few knew had ever witnessed. Background…show more content…
This is reflected in hes actions as an adult because as an adult he had reversed the roles, he was now acting out as the molester. Gacy was labelled as sociopathic and according to Sam Duncan & Jack Lenz a socio path is ; breaking the rules and laws, takes advantage of other people for personal gain, feels little remorse or guilt, appears friendly and charming on the surface and is often intelligent. This definition clearly fits Gacy personality perfectly because he often enticed young boys to take a ride with him taking advantage of their trust for he’s personal gain. Everyone who knew him thought him to be a likable friendly person but that was only on the outside. He was good at deceiving people and he’s neighbor’s trusted him enough to spend Christmas and holidays with him, even went as far as saying he was a very intelligent…show more content…
This term is reserved for individuals who are basically unsocialized and whose behavior pattern brings them repeatedly into conflict with society. They are incapable of significant loyalty to individuals, groups, or social values. They are grossly selfish, callous, irresponsible, impulsive, and unable to feel guilt or to learn from experience and punishment. Frustration tolerance is low. They tend to blame others or offer plausible rationalizations for their behavior (DSM II, 1968). John Wayne Gacy was diagnosed borderline by court-appointed psychiatrists in 1979. Borderline was used at that time as roughly equivalent to pseudo neurotic schizophrenia (the diagnosis preferred by the defense psychiatrist). (Skodol,
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