John Marshall Book Review

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Review of Books “John Marshall – Defender of Constitution” John Marshall: Defender of the Constitution. By FrancisN . Stites.L ibrary of American Biography. (Boston:L ittle,B rown and Co., 1981. Pp. vi, 181. Cloth, $11.95; paper, $6.95.) In a deep understanding and interesting about the Constitution and the judicial branch of the United States, Francis N, Stites studied about the famous Chief Justice John Marshall and his career within the encourage of his scholars, colleagues, and his lovely family. John Marshall was too famous to Americans, especially to anyone who has known about the golden age of Marshall Court. His biography has been revealed by many authors such as Albert Beveridge, Edward Corwin, or Richard Faulkner (Kent Newmyer…show more content…
First, the 9 volume with nearly two hundred pages had little organization and made the reader hard to focus. He sometime jumped back and forth within a specific case and use too much information that made the reader confused or sometime hard to follow. For example, it took more than ten pages for the case of Mabyury v. Madision with something that was not so much involved to the case. As a good-husband and national hero, however, Stites was little telling us about how the relationship between Marshall and his siblings and his family…show more content…
Also it was good for the instructors in teaching students about the judicial branch of the United States. I realized the most precious part in this book was the explanation of every case that lead to many historical key decisions under Marshall Court. I strongly agreed with the very last sentence of the book which was the turning point of the whole meaning the book, “ At his death the Constitution stood firmly as the supreme law of the Union, the Court had become a vital and respected organ of the government, and public anxiety and partisan maneuvering over the appointment of Marshall’s successor was widespread” (Stites

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