John Dos Passos and Tainted America

1956 Words8 Pages
“The American City is often portrayed as a place of excitement, but its promise is ultimately revealed to be tainted.” Using the work of any authors, poets or artists discussed on the module, to what extent you agree with this statement? Several members of (what is referred to as) the ‘Lost Generation’ could be discussed regarding the subject of tainted promises of the American city. The American City portrays excitement, a sense of modernity, a sense of out with the old, in with the new. Manhattan Transfer, written by a member of the Lost Generation; John Dos Passos’ encapsulates the promise of a greater future in a city where dreams are made, and unfortunately broken. When talking of John Dos Passos’ style, James Steel Smith writes; “His newsreels and camera eyes are collections of such impressionistic bits to suggest something has happened to American society or is about to happen.” (Smith:1958:332). John Dos Passos amongst other members of ‘The Lost Generation’ were exposed to war, travel and essentially bore witness to the many shattered dreams of people who viewed America as the land of opportunity. America was suddenly a place to be cracked, a place to conquer, a place full of hope and dreams where anyone could find success, no matter their social standing. In fact John Dos Passos brings the excitement and the buzz of New York City direct to the reader, yet also brings a sense of impending doom, that there will be no fairy tale ending for the characters in the book, often using biblical references to suggest the downfall of New York City. Phillip Arrington writes; “In the third section of John Dos Passos’ Manhattan Transfer, both the opening and closing chapter titles are direct quotations from two rather obscure Old Testament Prophets. ‘Rejoicing City that dwelt carelessly; that said in her heart, I am, desolation, a place for beasts to

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