Joel Kotkin On Diversity Essay

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Diversity has helped me understand and relate to others in many ways. I have learned that diversity has divided us, such as the color of the skin, nationality, and finances. This have divided people in different ways such as different people skin color being a shade light or darker, it also make a difference because of one’s race that a person may be Asian, African American or Caucasian and finances is another issue if someone in a group has more money than the other person than someone will get jealous. In all my friendship relationships these are some of the issues that I was involved with. I have all types of friends and color does not matter to me because we all human, the only difference in my eyesight is the skin colors I became a mature…show more content…
He envisions America at 2050 as “the most affluent, culturally rich, and successful nation in human history.” Set against ethnic conflicts, low birth rates and increasing homogeneity in the rest of the world, American will defy the naysayers and trends toward urbanization to become a more bountiful, multi-racial society, powered by land, localism, green technology and our defiant indigenous spirit.) (This is presented by Joel Kotkin The challenges that the United States face is (the world's increasing globalization requires more interaction among people from diverse cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds than ever before. People no longer live and work in an insular marketplace; they are now part of a worldwide economy with competition coming from nearly every continent. For this reason, profit and non-profit organizations need diversity to become more creative and open to change. Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity has become an important issue for mana). There are some benefits of a diverse society, such as attitudes, goals or a person characteristics and this is due to learning so much from all types of people and their background. I think by the civil and tolerant acceptance I believe that we should all treat one another with respect and treat people as they want to be treated. Mass Media, such as the cinema and television have already shaped society and

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