Jesse De Martino

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Capturing a moment is one of the amazing aspects of photography. Photographer, Jesse De Martino, reveals how different individuals can be; yet it is those differences that make the perfect balance of a friendship. David Brooks, journalist, “People Like Us” explains how people tend to put themselves around others with similar interests (493). But when one similarity is pushed aside, how similar are they really? In Jesse’s photograph, two young men enjoy the absence of society with a cigarette, in the seclusion of the surrounding forest. They have a bond with on another, but present themselves in a manner and in an environment that is dissimilar. Because the medium is a photograph, I can grasp a connection to what the relationships is with each of the young guy’s lifestyle. If it had been a text, it may have never explained how they came to be the way they present themselves, but if so it would have resulted in pages and pages of explanation. With the picture, in a single glance, I can clearly see they both had a different up bringing. Although it is an image, without the black and white monochrome, it would loose the feeling of seclusion. With color, the viewer would discover less contrast between the wilderness and the young guys with their car. The Internet article, “Black an White Photography” clarifies, “The vibrancy of color can, at times, actually detract from the desired photographic effect. Black and white photos can add an air of romance, class, timelessness and mystery to otherwise…show more content…
2012. NameMedia. Dec 18 2012. Brooks, David. “People Like Us.” Convergences: Themes, Texts, and Images For Composition. Ed. Atwan, Robert. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. 493- 499. Print. De Martino, Jesse. Jason and Mike At The Cabin Near Huntsville, Texas. 1996. Keep On Rolling, Huntsville. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009.

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