Jean Thomson Abortion Summary

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Abortion Abortion is a very debatable topic in the United States and there is no clear answer if it’s permissible or not. Abortion can be defined as, the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy at any stage of the pregnancy. Many people believe that abortion should be outlawed, others believe it should be an option, and last view being a mix between both. The mixed view population believe that in cases of rape the mother can have an option to abort or not, or if the fetus reaches a certain age it is not permissible to abort it. Thomson stakes her claim by focusing on three circumstances where she believes abortions to be permissible. Thomson describes cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, pregnancy not using preventive methods being…show more content…
More precisely, she argues for the conclusion that abortion is sometimes permissible; she grants that there are scenarios in which obtaining an abortion would be immoral. What is especially novel is the manner in which Thomson constructs her argument. She begins the essay by pointing out that the debate over abortion seems to many people to hinge on whether or not the fetus is a person. Most feel that if we could only determine the answer to that puzzle, the implications for abortion would be clear; namely, that if fetuses are persons then abortions must be impermissible, and that if fetuses are not persons then abortions must be permissible. Thomson, though, thinks that reasoning in this way is misguided, or at very best is incomplete. In light of this, she begins by conceding the issue of personhood to her opponent; she assumes, for purposes of argumentation, that the fetus is a person from the moment of conception. She attempts to show that even if this concession is made, abortion is morally permissible in many…show more content…
A crucial premise in that argument is that the right to life must always outweigh any other rights with which it conflicts. Thomson believes that premise to be false, and deploys the first of several thought experiments of which she makes use throughout the paper to persuade her readers to that end. The experiment is designed to show that there are scenarios wherein it is permissible to take an action in order to vindicate one�s own rights (importantly, a right other than the right to life) even though doing so violates an innocent person�s right to life. Following this, Thomson moves on to a more detailed discussion of the right to life, wherein she attempts both to define the notion, and to point out that many other commonly held beliefs about the strength and implications of such a right must be false. It might be thought that having the right to life means that one has the right to whatever is necessary in order to sustain one�s life. Thomson thinks that this must be mistaken, as scenarios like the violinist case show. Alternatively, one might think that having the right to life means that one has the right not to be killed. Again, though, Thomson thinks that the violinist case shows this to be false; surely one can unplug oneself from the violinist, even though doing so kills him. If one
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