Izyumov Remember the Titans

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team didn’t share the same goal in the beginning, they each had their own personal goals, such as to get the assigned position that they wanted. Third I asked myself what the persistence of the effort was. Again in the beginning it was low, but as the team began to accept one another that changed. Coach Boone’s persistence never changed though from the beginning he was persistent on getting the team to accept one another and to win. For example, in one scene in the movie, Coach Boone worked them hard at boot camp; he set strict rules to break down the team’s resistance. He didn’t budge easily. One interesting theory that came to my mind was the two-factor theory that w as proposed by Frederick Herzberg. He believed that an individual’s relation to work is basic and that one’s attitude towards work can very well determine success or failure(Judge, et al., 2010). In the Titans, case I feel that their attitude had a lot to do with their success. The second topic/factor was leader behavior and power. Let’s contrast the two, leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals where as power is a capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in accordance with A’s wishes (Judge, et al., 2010). So how were these two used in the film? Well leadership behaviors varied among the two coaches. If we recall the Ohio Studies, narrowed down two leadership behaviors: Initiating and Consideration. Initiating refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define his or her role and those of employees in search of goal attainment (Judge, et al., 2010). Consideration is described as the extent to which a person is likely to have job relationships that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for ideas, and regard for their feelings (Judge, et al., 2010). So based on these behavior theories, I came

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