Followership, Leadership and Social Influence

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The Leadership Quarterly (2013) Followership, leadership and social influence Burak Oc & Michael R. Bashshur Individual assignment Bénédicte Favre HEC Lausanne Cross-Cultural Management Tobias Dennerlein March 2014 1 Abstract1 Leaders have always been called villains or heroes and isolated from the influence of followers. This article explains the new view of leadership, followership considering the power, influence and dependence between these two groups. It emphasizes also the importance of social influence in the relationship with the SIT (Social Impact Theory). Followers, in traditional leadership research, were considered as passive recipients. The influence was a one-way flow from leaders to followers. The characteristics of the followers as their traits, preferences and capabilities are used only to explain which leader is more effective. They are just a part of the leader’s context. Then appears the followercentered approach. This theory is focused on followers’ implicit beliefs and assumptions concerning the characteristics of the leader. There’s a reciprocal relationship between followers and leaders. However, the followers are still passive but their perceptions, preferences and attitudes can influence leadership processes. Followers who are proactive will often negatively influence leaders. Here we can see the role of the social nature of leadership in the effects of followers on leaders. In the next theories, followers’ reactions and behaviors are considered as a driver of leaders’ actions. It develops a theory on follower taxonomies to understand how followers are influencing leaders. Although, proactive followers will be more effective in their influence on leaders than passive or simply active ones, because they voluntary take part of the decisions and challenges the leaders have to handle.
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