Issues with Social Interaction Today with Society

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Issues with Social Interaction Today in Society “The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood.” Ralph Nichols Social interaction is a key part of society and is something that is slipping away little by little as time passes. When thinking about reasons why social interaction is slipping away the first thing that comes to mind is advances in technology. Everybody today in society uses some type of technology, whether it is television, cell phones or internet (social media sites, email, etc.), and without these forms of technology, people wouldn’t know what to do. Just in the past decade the increase in technology advances and the decrease on social interaction is tremendous. One of the biggest advances in technology was the cell phone. Just 10 years ago cell phones had nothing but calling on them and maybe a little bit of text messaging. After a few years came picture messaging, and then games, and finally internet all on one hand held device. At this day in age you can do anything on your cell phone, whether it is check your bank account to buy baseball tickets on the go. You don’t need any human interaction to do these things. Now days when you tell a child that he or she gets an hour of playtime after they finish their homework, what comes to mind is not that they get to go outside and play in the dirt for an hour, but that they get to play on their play station or wii console for an hour. When there was no such thing as a Nintendo DS, all children had to do was go outside and ride bikes or play on the swing set. While doing this, children are getting interaction with other children and learning necessary social skills that they may not be learning now days on a play station. Besides technology being an issue with social interaction today, one other big reason for issues with social interaction is the average working human
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