Issues Relating to Cultural Diversity and Diet

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What is considered edible or even a delicacy in some parts of the world might be considered inedible in other parts. The values or beliefs a society gives to potential food items defines what families within a cultural group will eat. For example, both plant and animal sources may contribute to meeting nutritional requirements for protein; soybeans, beef, horsemeat, and dog meat are all adequate protein sources. Yet, due to the symbolism attached to these protein sources, they are not eaten in all societies. Moreover, even when the foods believed to be undesirable are available, they are not likely to be eaten by people who have a strong emotional reaction against the food item. Relating functionalism to different cultures could be proven by saying that some cultures have a purpose and a meaning as to how they choose to live. Basically we are all ethnocentric. We choose to see our cultural beliefs as the right ones because it is easier than to try and understand others. But at the same time we should take the time to learn to understand the different cultures of other countries. What is considered a delicacy in some countries is frowned upon by others. No one’s way of life is right or wrong. Everyone has different perspectives on life based on how they were brought up. I personally would never even think about eating ants, dogs, cats and especially not raw monkey brains. I have eaten frog legs and would say that I probably wouldn’t eat them again. When we look at history and focus on recessions and depressions we can see how those cultural times have prohibited people from waste anything when it comes to food. They had a limited variety of food items and learned to make meals from whatever was available. Some southern people would consider wasting any part of the animal a crime. People learn to adjust and to function within the limitations of

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