Taking a Stand Against Animal Cruelty

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Throughout the United States and the World, animals are victimized, beaten, and neglected. According to the ASPCA, an animal is abused every 10 seconds in the United States. Some animals are neglected. They are left without food, water, or healthy conditions to live in. Few animals are rescued and are fortunate enough to find loving and caring homes. Others are not so lucky. I was heart-broken to find out that Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota have no felony charges for cruelty to animals. Animal lovers around the world should come together to help stop animal cruelty. To help put an end to animal cruelty, we first need to know what animal cruelty is exactly. There are two types of animal cruelty. They are passive cruelty and active cruelty. Passive cruelty occurs when owners severely neglect their pets. To the common person, passive cruelty may look like a less serious form of animal cruelty, but that is certainly not the case. Animals suffer greatly from passive cruelty. Severe cases often times lead to death. Examples of passive cruelty are starvation, dehydration, untreated infections, unhealthy living conditions, and failure to care medically for the animal. On the other hand, active cruelty is more well-known. Active cruelty occurs when the abuser intentionally harms an animal. Normally, the abuser does this to feel powerful or gain control. Examples of active cruelty include fighting, burning, shooting, and beating. Both types of cruelty should be taken seriously, but psychiatrists have found that harming animals is a precursor to committing more acts of violence. These acts of violence could potentially be against humans. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Allen Brantley was quoted as saying, "Animal cruelty is not a harmless venting of emotion in a healthy individual; This is a warning sign." Take the Columbine school

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