Is Yahoo Business Model Working in 2011

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STRATEGIC BUSINESS REPORT “IS YAHOO BUSINESS MODEL WORKING IN 2011?” Executive summary This report shows the growth of the internet created opportunities for yahoo to develop its business. External environment pressures, including the Global Financial Crisis, developing technology and threats from competitors greatly reduced market share. It is noted that yahoo lost its position and value in the market because its leadership strategy did not clearly define direction for the company or develop objectives to measure its performance. Moreover, the culture of Yahoo did not encourage employees to perform productively and this adversely affected the adoption of proposed changes. In addition, cost structures increased and revenue substantially decreased due to inappropriate strategies. The strategy changes as recommended by top management through their strategic thinking did not work properly because they were not aligned sufficiently to the internal and external environments. Hence, the execution of the strategies (implementation) was unsuccessful and created distrust by the shareholders. Finding a new, capable CEO who can provide a new, appropriate vision, mission and strategy to enable the company to greatly improve is a challenge ahead for Yahoo. The recommendation is that Yahoo should develop a new vision and mission as soon as possible to enable it to establish a clear direction to go forward. Additionally, it should review the value and effectiveness of the acquired companies and divest itself of any that are ineffective. This can help Yahoo save costs and leverage resources so other sources can become more effective. Furthermore, it should improve its culture by providing motivation as stimulus factors to its employees who must be willing to adopt changes and work productively. Yahoo should also improve its information system

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