Is There a Millennial Generation Myth?

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Is there millennial generation myth? Critique essay In “The Myth of the Millennials” Edward W. Koc very eloquently raises the question: are the behaviors associated with this generation a myth? In reading this article, it is evident that Koc is critical of the theories raised by other researchers. He methodically points out many of the myths and effectively uses transitions to systematically analyze and debunk the characterizations that lead to those myths. This article clearly tends to make the reader consider non-traditional explanations of Millennials attitudes. Koc initially provides the reader with universally accepted knowledge of the Millennial Generation job seekers, namely, their being brought up with parents who provided both financial and emotional support to ensure their success and high self-esteems, no matter the toll on the parent. He states that these parents are often referred to as helicopter parents “hovering adults that insist on reviewing, the young adult’s workplace contracts… before allowing their offspring to enter onto their career paths” (Koc, 2008, p. 15). This assessment is debunked with his examples of two former presidents who either had a controlling parent or could be considered a controlling parent, which is a sure indication that Millennials does not hold a monopoly on helicopter parenting. Next Koc looks to expose the urban legend of Millennials’ work-life balance attitudes in which he states, it “is inevitably translated to mean that today’s graduates are not as career driven as were graduates in the past” (2008, p. 15). In this section, he does not use statistically evidence to prove his theory, but he successfully draws an imagery that the reader can clearly understand. Let’s take the example of Jimmy Carter whose desire for work-life balance translated differently than that of George W. Bush. Koc states, “Carter was a
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