Is Slavery Norm Or Inhumane

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Jennifer Martinez Section 61012 Paper 1 September 26, 2014 Slavery? The Norm or Inhumane? I believe slavery victimized everyone because it damaged society spiritually and morally. What if the tables were turned? What if the Africans/African Americans were the slave owners? Would it be wrong? It made some slave holders and their overseers brutal, it made other white people feel guilty and ashamed. Slavery was a moral sickness upon the society. Most slave owners were of white descent and for them to turn their back on their own kind is awfully inhumane, you could tell immediately that these people had no type of conviction or mercy within their own race. As much as Frederick Douglass had been beaten and worked, he would not talk against…show more content…
All these lands were worked by slaves because of CHEAP labor. This hit parts of Africa dramatically, lowering Africa’s population by 10 to 12 million people and also lowering its standard of living. (DFA, 58) I think a powerful sentence in (DFA 59) is “Blackness was becoming a mark of inferiority”. I depict that as Africans/ African Americans were becoming scum of the Earth. They basically had no status whatsoever when it came to a place in this world. I also believe that Slavery was very close to becoming a part of what would be known as genocide. I believe that if the whites could have made every black person a slave they would have, and I believe that they would all have died from diseases, committing suicide, bleeding out to death, beating them to death, killing them because they disobeyed. I think what was stopping them was that in some places it was illegal. I am sure some people thank God for that because slavery very well could have taken over the world. In the history of his life in bondage, we find, well developed, that inherent and continuous energy of character which will ever render him distinguished. What his hand found to do, he did with his…show more content…
At his daily labor he went with a will; with strength well set eye, strong chest, slender figure, and fair sweep of arm, he would have been king among calkers, had that been his mission. Douglass says “I have shown that slavery is wicked--wicked, in that it violates the great law of liberty, written on every human heart--wicked, in that it violates the first command of the Decalogue--wicked, in that it fosters the most disgusting licentiousness--wicked, in that it mars and defaces the image of God by cruel and barbarous inflictions--wicked, in that it contravenes the laws of eternal justice, and tramples in the dust all the humane and heavenly precepts of the New Testament. (MBMF 335) Douglass
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