Is College the Best Education

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The major consensus in society right now is that without a college education, you have nowhere to go in life. Scholars have argued that college is a vital part for one’s educational growth; they have also said that College allows meeting and networking with many like-minded people who are interested in the same things you are. In an essay by Mark Henrie titled Why Go to College, he responds to the question “what do first time freshman want from college?” he says that, “the great majority of young Americans go to college because they've been led to believe that having a college degree of some kind is a necessity if they're to have a prosperous career”. What Mark Henrie says in his essay is the absolute truth, because having a college degree is marketed to high school seniors and juniors as the only way to have a great career in life. Though college offers a valuable learning experience for most students, it is not necessary to students who are not entering career paths that require a great deal of higher education. There is no experience better than that of the real world, so if a student has the passion to work on an idea that he or she thinks will be beneficial to the world then they should invest in that idea rather than staying in college to satisfy expectations of Society. Attending a university in order to achieve high education is broadcasted all over schools and the media and after a while students begin to get into the mindset that earning a college degree is the only way to be successful in life. Mark Henrie goes on to say in his essay “Even though there are some extraordinary successful people in the business world who never earned college degrees, it is generally assumed that most of the doors leading to success are locked to people who haven't signaled their abilities by getting a degree.” Majority of the time people often get in the mindset that if

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