Intuative decision making

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(1.0) Introduction Decision making is one of the most critical roles that managers have in organizations. Intuition plays a major role in most of successful decisions. The word intuition refers as gut feeling. Basically intuition is a highly complex and highly developed form of reasoning that is based on years of experience and learning and on facts, patterns, concepts, procedures and stored in one’s head. In other word intuition can be described as person’s inner ability to judge and take decisions. Intuition is “The ability to know when a problem or opportunity exists and select the best course of action without conscious reasoning.” (Mcshne & Glinow, 2003, p.152) In real life there are many situations where intuition helps people to take decisions. In some situations those decisions are problem between life and death. E.g.:- The decision made by commander to fire against terrorists is a problem between life and death. The commander uses plenty of his past experience to take the immediate decision in seconds without conscious reasoning weather to fire or not. Because in many situations terrorists can not be identified. This essay examines the concept of intuition in decision-making by means of a literature review and study of measures currently being used within organizations. It explores the use of intuition in decision-making by managers, literature approach to decision making, conditions that people make initiative decisions and how environmental factors effect on initiative decisions. (2.0) How people use intuition? Intuition emerges from people in different situations. It helps people to take their day today decisions, managers to make their management decisions etc... This occurs as flashes of inspiration from time-to-time. But the way people use intuition is different time to time person to person. The example in the
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