How Does Torture Hurt American People

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How Torture Issues Hurt American People Torture has been a topic all around the world for centuries, especially after the horrible terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. This issue presents different opinions when deciding if torture is morally right or wrong and if laws should be reconstructed on the issue. The word “torture” seems to be a never ending cycle without a black and white change in how to accomplish the task. In this case everyone has their own opinion, and it makes you wonder where you stand in this discussion. Whether you have thought about it, or it being true to your heart, one has to imagine the common good of one’s own life and what the future has to offer. However, perhaps people are too quick to dismiss torture…show more content…
This brings issue of how can one be against torture, but when a scenario as the ticking time bomb is presented he or she then accepts the reality that torture needs to be warranted. McCain states that in the rare instance, the interrogator might try extreme measures to extract information to save lives may not be granted as a success when judging his actions in which he accomplished the task (Page699). In my opinion, this is horrible and where I lose sense of reality on how someone could believe in such act. The lives of American people are saved due to the heroic acts of the interrogator. Understanding the moral concept of torture being wrong but in this case the use of torture used to terrorist attacks on innocent people. A fine line when discussing what is right and wrong however executed in the proper way should be accepted. When identifying torture by no means should it be physical pain that’s involved. Mental torture has been used and considered illegal to obtain information, but most of the time used without a second glance. If McCain even agrees with the simple fact how Al Qaeda expresses the word “sociopath” in relation to the meaning of terrorists acts, it applies to them (Page698). Describing how Al Qaeda members will never conform or be open to…show more content…
Torture will be a serious debate based on the opinion of what’s right or wrong and will never stop. Personal opinion, have a clear level head on the issue of torture and take in to account all possible situations that may arise before making a decision. Remember be true to yourself and we will always be different, better, and stronger than those who try to destroy us

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