Introduction to the Duty of Care

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Introduction to duty of care in health and social care setting 1.1- define the term duty of care the duty of care is a moral and legal obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of the people you are being employed to look after, in my job this in means I must act in the best interests of individuals not act in anyway that will cause harm work within my limits and only complete tasks that I am confident and trained to do 1.2-describe how the duty of care affects own work role the duty of care protects and makes sure that everybody is safe, which means all staff members should be up to date on all policies and procedures and both the employees and employers should take action to ensure everyone has the correct training. 2.1- describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights with certain individuals the duty of care may restrict them on doing things they have the right to do, things that in some instances will help them to become more independent, for example if a resident has the capacity and physical ability to cook a meal but has never done so, there is risk of them burning themselves but why should they not be allowed? This is when the correct safety precautions and risk assessments should take place. 2.2- explain where to get additional support and advice about how to resolve such dilemmas the following people may provide help with such problems but proper precautions must be taken to ensure safety The person’s family and friends colleagues GP Care professionals Advocates Union official Regulators 3.1 describe how to respond to complaints 3.2 identify main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints in my place of work we use the NHS easy read complaints procedure that is available to all residents in the home and has been made very simple so that anyone that is unhappy is
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