Integrated Farming Essay

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Integrated Fish Farming Agriculture is known for its multifunctionalities of providing employment, livelihood, food, nutritional and ecological securities .Today the economy is based on mainly in the field of agriculture and software development in the area of Information Technology. For achieving rapid progress in rural area, our strategy must focus on; conserving natural resources, enhancing efficient of resource use, increasing productivity and profitability and improving quality and competitiveness through reduced unit cost of production. Integrated plant nutrients and protection systems of crop, livestock and aquaculture production are being updated for various agro-ecologies. Water is emerging as international challenge and its most efficient management as well as recycling has been given high priority in the plan of formulation. Recycling of crop residue as well as agricultural by products inclusion of nitrogen fixing legumes in rotation, bio fertilizers, vermicultres, agro forestry, nutrient solubbizing micro-organisms, efficient nutrient up taking plant varieties etc. are being strategies in the research mandate. Improved efficiency farm machinery energy, agro- input and resource conservation technologies of minimum tillage are being researched to minimize the cost of production. Integrated Fish Farming is one of the best examples of mixed farming. This type of farming practices in different forms mostly in the East and South East Asian countries is one of the important ecological balanced sustainable technologies. The technology involves a combination of fish polyculture integrated with crop or live stock production. On farm waste recycling, an important component of Integrated fish farming, is high
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