Insecurities In Latin America

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It is very often heard and seen on the news how many immigrants continue in their effort to cross the border; some succeed but are often caught, others have a less fortunate ending , and of course each and every one of them have their own reasons that leads them in search of the “American dream” . In my own personal experience, I can relate to a few of the stories, being that as a child my dad decided to unite the family in this country that I have learned to love as my own. Immigrants come from all over the world, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, China just to mention a few. Giving their family a better life, reuniting with family members that are already here, or simply escaping the insecurities from their home country, are just a few of the…show more content…
Drug cartels have taken over “pueblos” city’s even states, causing fear in the residents of such places. For the most part people are forced to leave their houses or take members of these cartels in to their home; these people also recruit young kids and teens into joining forces with them offering those loads of money and power. This causes fear in the parents of the families with the lowest income they know that the cartels are hunting for kids that need the money, that wish to help their parents, or those who are just looking for the easy way out. Not only do these people look to add members to their own cartels, they wish to minimize the sizes of contrary cartels, and for that they started a war between themselves. This war has been going on for years but was silent an remain unknown to the rest of the world till around 2008 when all hell went loose, taking the life of many innocent, cartels wouldn’t care whether they were in front of a school or a church they would attack each other anywhere in the effort to getting rid of one another. Once this happen there was an increasing number of Mexicans looking to get a refuge in the US, while some where granted the permit legally, others had to find an alternate way of entry to the

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