Informative Speech Self Reflection

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Informative Speech Self-Reflection Student’s Name: Christian Mayola Date: 12/8/14 Section: Subject: Informative Speech “The Evolution of Popcorn” Organizational Pattern: Topical CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION Attention Getter: I opened up my informative speech with an illusion of walking into a movie theater and having the smell of popcorn first hit you. How the side butter being poured onto the popped popcorn left a smell that was like sent from heaven. I felt that this grabbed my audience. Reveal Topic: After my attention getter, I told my audience that I would be explaining to them about the history of popcorn Audience Adaptation: I told my audience that while many of you have already had this experience happened to you, this was my first experience at movie popcorn, literally; Credibility: I established credibility by using the cash register’s line in a sentence at the beginning of the speech. This showed the audience how this topic could relate to them because everybody has talked to a cashier before. Preview: At the end of the Introduction, I established the sequence that the speech would use so that my audience could easily follow the flow of the speech. First, I told my audience that we would discuss how popcorn at the movies originally got started, my 3 interesting facts about popcorn, also how popcorn is seen in today’s world. Comment: I believe that this class has given me a new perspective on the way to start a speech. I believe that the “Preview” is a very important part of the speech. By giving your audience a “Preview”, I believe that they pay more attention to what you are saying in your speech plus, the audience can follow the main points of the speech. Content Sources I Used: Comment: I believe that the sources I used were appropriate for an Informative Speech according to what we discussed in class and what I read in the textbook. I
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