Informative Speech Outline: War In Iraq

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1. Introduction A. Attention Getter: War in Iraq video B. Statement of Purpose: My name is Jessi Kaur and my partner Iman and I believe that The United States would be vastly better off as a politically neutral country. C. Defining: Before I get into the contentions, I would like to make sure you know what “politically neutral” means. i. Neutral from the world ii. Not involved in wars iii. Trade can happen iv. Switzerland D. Contentions: v. 1. War reflects negatively on the United States vi. 2. We as a country alone are able to prosper vii. 3. Neutrality would make the United States more self- focused viii. 4. Neutral is better for trade 2. Body E. 1.…show more content…
Poor use to resources xiv. Not constructive for society xv. International turmoil xvi. We can be safe 4. Because of a long history of neutrality, the army does not take part in armed conflicts in other countries, but takes part in peacekeeping missions around the world F. 2. The United States is in a strong position to adopt a policy of neutrality. xvii. 3 bodies of water surrounding the country with two weak and friendly neighbors, there are no immediate physical security threats to the country. xviii. No countries in the Western Hemisphere and only a few worldwide who pose a strategic threat to the US xix. Its economic, geographic and military strength ensure that such a policy would not only be viable but could indeed thrive xx. Neutrality would be truer to America’s roots and traditions that our current imperialist policies and would also reduce our threat level, enemies and military expenses. xxi. Return to anti-imperialist roots xxii. America is home to almost every type of climate and is able to grow enough food for its own needs, though of course we do

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