Informative Speech Essay

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Strategies for Healthy Eating Outline Purpose: To inform my audience the benefits of eating healthy and a few steps on how to go about doing so. Thesis: Eating healthy should not be temporary, but a lifestyle, which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight as well as benefit ones overall health by lowering the risks for diseases. Introduction A. Everyone in this room has been on a diet at least once in their life. B. Whether it was just to lose a couple pounds for an upcoming event or simply because you wanted to improve your health, everyone has did it and failed! C. If you did succeed, you are probably back to your old eating habits, and have gained the weight back, plus some. D. After all, eating healthy should not be temporary, but a lifestyle, which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight as well as benefit ones overall health. [Thesis] Transition: I am here today to give you some easy strategies for healthy eating. Body I. Changing your eating habits should be a long-term goal. a. Whatever your reasons are, do not expect to see results over night. b. It is more realistic to start slow. c. You should incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your meals; eat meats high in protein, such as lean turkey, beef, and chicken breast (Paul, Smith, & Segal). d. If you are some one who has to have several sodas a day, try eliminating one soda a day. Do this until you get to a point where you do not need soda. Replace the soda with a glass of water or green tea. e. Water is good for eliminating toxins in the body and green tea is great for boosting metabolism. You should try to get to a point where you are drinking half of your body weight in ounces (Elkaim). f. Making these small changes can aid in weight loss and your general health. II. Start by preparing your own meals at home. a. In order to prepare healthy
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