Individual Goal Statement

286 Words2 Pages
Delores jefferson 04/05/2014 SCI/241 Shelba Levins Individual Goal Statement My current health status is intermediate. I currently have diabetes, knee problems, and am overweight. I have lost some weight which has helped improve my knee problems and weight; however, nutrient intake plays a major part in this process. My nutrient intake will determine the outcome of my diabetes as there are certain foods that I cannot eat and others I must limit my intake. Monitoring my nutrient intake will also assist with weight loss which will improve the issues that I have with my knees. I would like to achieve the goal of exercising at least 3 times a week and eat a healthy diet which will result in a weight loss of 100 pounds which is my ultimate goal. I also have the goal of keeping a food diary which will assist me with the monitoring of my nutrient intake. This will assist me in knowing which foods I must decrease in eating and others I may need to increase in eating. I am sure that vegetables and fruits will be foods that I must increase intake. Reading magazines and books on nutrition will also assist me in making the right food choices. I have read that increasing proteins will help keep you full longer, so this will help me. Breads and other carbohydrates are items that I will need to limit eating. The food diary will also assist me with seeing the improvements that I have made from week to week and day to day. I look forward to this process as it will help me feel better about the choices that I make on a day to day

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