Indochina Cultural Ties

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Cultural Harmony The characteristic of harmony that Indian and Chinese Cultures achieved thousand of years ago made a great impact on the other countries of the world. As China and India are neighbouring nations, the quality of harmonization had a particular influence on the masses of the two countries. It can be noticed in the lives of the people living in the North-Western regions of India and of those living in the border areas of China. The Indo-Chinese relationship was established long ago in the ancient times, on the basis of the quality of harmony present in both the cultures. As consequence of the profoundness of these cultural ties, hundred of Chinese scholars were the student of the famous Nalanda University much before the advent of Christ. Up to the 19th century, the scholars of the two counties visited each other and strengthened the cultural relationship. In ancient times, if the Indian scholars like Dharmaratha, Kumarajiva, Buddhajiva, Dharmakshema and Sanghabhuti visited China, the Chinese scholars Fa-hein, Sung-Yun, It-Sing and Huentsang came to India. Among them Huentsang was the Chairman of a Buddhist conference sponsored by the Indian Emperor Harshavardhana. The way Huentsang and Fah-Yan enriched the Indian history by their writings, they became inseparable part of it. In other words, the Indian history is incomplete without a mention of them. History of Cultural Exchanges It is not very well known that when and how the two countries started exchanging their cultural elements, but what is known, is that they grew in parallel and shared their cultural traits since the beginning of human history and this tradition of sharing has been continuing ever since. Even before the transmission of Buddhism, the Shang-Zhou civilization and the ancient Vedic civilization in 1500-1000 B.C. showed some evidence of conceptual and linguistic exchanges.
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