Individual Negligence Paper

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Individual Negligence Paper Timber L. Keys HCS/478 October, 1, 2012 Lynda White Individual Negligence Paper Despite implementation of the Universal Protocol, wrong site surgeries have continued in the United States and number about 2,000 per year. “Never Events” are events that involve negligence with the healthcare system resulting in serious consequences and should never occur (Levy, 2012). Wrong site surgery is such an event. This paper will introduce the amputation mishap referenced in Season 3, Episode 7 of the Neighborhood newspaper involving Joseph Benson, a 62 year man who underwent an amputation of his leg just below the left knee and only suffered one complication-the wrong leg was amputated (The Neighborhood Newspaper; Season 3, Episode 7, 2012). This paper will differentiate between negligence, gross negligence and malpractice; explain my opinion of agreement or disagreement with the article and related rationale; describe the importance of documentation and ethical principles and describe what ethical principles would guide my practice. Differentiate Between Negligence, Gross Negligence and Malpractice According to Guido (2010), a plaintiff must prove there was a duty to the patient, a breach of the duty owed to the patient occurred, that an injury resulted because of the breach, that this injury was foreseeable, and that damages resulted in order to win a malpractice or negligence case. Negligence can apply to any individual, regardless of profession. Negligence is a general term that denotes conduct lacking in due care. Thus, negligence equates carelessness, a deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would use in a particular set of circumstances. Negligence may also include doing something that the reasonable and prudent person would not do (Guido, 2010). Gross negligence is a conscious and voluntary disregard

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