In the Pursuit of Keats's Truth Beauty in the Ode on a Grecian Urn

1033 Words5 Pages
Wilson Chang
Professor Yang
18 October 2013

In the Pursuit of Keats's Truth Beauty in the Ode on a Grecian Urn

Literally, Keats's "Ode on a Grecian Urn" presents his admiration to a work of art and the process of appreciating its design, his experience of being sunk into the world of the urn's artistic carving is the main feature of the poem. What he has realized and gained in such experience may be one of the stems of the related discussions. Amongst lines of the Ode, the strong conclusion - '"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all/Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.', draws most concerns and questions about its exact meaning. The Ode expresses a direct happiness and enthusiasm as Keats praising the urn's sculpture, to understand the origin of his amazement and the beauty in his eyes, an account for his definition to "truth beauty" and how he capture the "truth beauty" should be made. Instead of introducing any information and background of the urn, Keats starts his praise to the urn in the very beginning of the poem. What readers can see is not the realistic status of the material, which is apparently ignored, instead, Keats welcomed his readers to witness he exerting his imagination with the urn. Indulging in his imagination, Keats seems to expand the extent of what the urn was created to express, therefore, neither the urn's real status and content nor its persistent existence will be significant to him, the real beauty of the urn will be always vital and vivid as people imagine over the urn, it is in this sense endow with the character of eternity. Since the eternal beauty is generated not by the presence of art itself, but one's imagination, it may account for why unheard melodies are sweeter than those actually heard. The chosen critical work -" Keats's Grecian Urn and the Truth of Eternity ", issued by Allen

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