In a Professional, Volunteer, Extracurricular, or Academic Setting, Describe How You Overcame a Challenging Situation Within a Team

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In a professional, volunteer, extracurricular, or academic setting, describe how you overcame a challenging situation within a team. What did you learn about yourself from this experience and how will you use this insight while working in teams at Fuqua? “Team Work” is something that I learnt in my undergrad days where I organized a lot of events. I would like to describe one event in particular where I faced a lot of challenges. During my final year of college I had an opportunity to organize a national level event which aimed at developing young entrepreneurs and creative thinkers. The event organizing committee was split into multiple teams based on functionality. I was put in charge of a couple of teams. We worked day and night to accomplish our tasks. What we didn’t happen to realize then is that every person in a team is different and everyone has his own strength and limitation. Some people were really fast that they complete a day’s work in a matter of hours. Some people were slow and it took more time for them to complete the work. This slowly started a team conflict. Some of my team mates felt that they overwork while the others didn’t do much work at all. Everyone started working for their own accords. This started spoiling the events reputation. I was not able to push the team forward. It is when I realized that the environment rather than being collaborative became competitive. We sat together and started looking at our problems. I realized we needed a fresh start, a new perspective of looking into things. We scrapped whatever we worked so far and started from the scratch. We divided responsibilities according to our strengths so that everyone can progress more. We fixed deadlines which would suit everyone and finally we started working as a team. Anyone who finished their work early would help with others work and thus making the environment

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