Imperialism in India Dbq

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During the late 1800s and early 1900s, European imperialism radically changed the boundaries inside the continents of Africa and Asia incorporating them into their developing colonial empire. This was the same scenario for British imperialism in India. Over time, the colony and colonizer’s opinion on imperialism evolves, as both experience the downside and upside of colonialism. Britain, mother country of India, had benefitted very much from their colony and dramatically improved the quality of life in India. (doc1) (doc4) Through India, Britain was able to obtain tropical produce for their citizens. In return, Britain brought the people of those garden spots the necessary resources to sustain such production. Britain modernized India, building 40,000 miles of railway, 70,000 miles of paved roads numerous canals, telegraphs, and 30 million acres of irrigation. These improvements with the many resources available made India, Britain’s most profitable colony, the brightest jewel in their crown. On the opposite end, British colonialism required massive military budgets to protect the people of India, placing quite a burden on the British people. British military abuses towards the Indian people often caught the public eye and furthered India’s resentment against their mother country. Mutiny among Indian recruits was also a constant struggle for the British. British colonization had a very positive effect on India. In the 17th century, the British East India Company received trading rights from the Mughal Empire. In a short time, Britain had united India for the first time in its history, bringing western education, modern thought, science and a stable government capable of providing law and order (doc3). The new British government also allowed no Indian representation but abolished immoral Indian traditions such as Sutee, slavery, and infanticide. The new
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